Zumtobel Group Awarded the Third Consecutive EcoVadis Gold

Dornbirn, Austria – For the third time in a row, the Zumtobel Group has been awarded a gold medal by the independent sustainability rating platform EcoVadis. In an industry comparison, the lighting group is ranked among the top 1% of all companies assessed by the platform. The successive recognition with the gold medal underlines the consistent and continuous development of the Zumtobel Group and its sustainability activities.

“Evaluations by independent and globally acting rating agencies such as EcoVadis are highly relevant for our company, as they confirm the path we have taken with all the measures we have implemented so far and the goals we have set for ourselves. Together with our specialist departments, the Sustainability Team makes the best possible contribution to the Zumtobel Group’s sustainable development. This not only benefits the environment, but also our customers and partners”, says Sebastian Gann, Sustainability Director at the Zumtobel Group.

Sustainable development

While the Zumtobel Group particularly distinguished itself in the area of sustainable procurement last year, this year an improvement of ten points was achieved in the area of labour and human rights: This was largely due to the numerous implemented measures regarding employee health in the past financial year as well as having obtained ISO 45001 certifications (management systems for occupational health and safety) for all European plants. With a total score of 78 points, the lighting group was able to maintain its solid rating foundation while at the same time further improving it.

About EcoVadis

EcoVadis, an independent platform for sustainability ratings, was founded in 2007 and assesses the performance of companies in the categories Environment, Labor and Human Rights, Sustainable Procurement, and Ethics. The rating is based on international sustainability standards such as the Global Reporting Initiative, the United Nations Global Compact, and ISO 26000. More than 130,000 companies from over 180 countries and 220 industries regularly have their value chain evaluated by EcoVadis.


Zumtobel Group AG

The Zumtobel Group aims to create wellbeing and improve people’s quality of life through light – as a group, and through all its individual brands, Thorn, Tridonic and Zumtobel. As a leading supplier of innovative lighting solutions, the Group offers its customers around the world a comprehensive portfolio, where the focus is invariably on people and their needs. The company’s know-how about the effects of light on people, acquired over decades, forms the basis for sustainable and future-oriented lighting solutions that are increasingly energy- and resource-efficient while providing the best possible quality of light. The Group is listed on the Vienna Stock Exchange (ATX Prime) and currently holds a workforce of around 5,500 employees. In the 2022/23 financial year, the company posted revenues of EUR 1,209.2 million. The Zumtobel Group is based in Dornbirn in the Vorarlberg region of Austria. For further information, please visit z.lighting/group.
